Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Purpose statement

The purpose of the Blog is to point out and highlight the truly dumb ideas our friends in the federal government are pushing on the medical system of the U.S.A. The Affordable Care Act (I will not say Obama-Care, it evokes too much emotion and prevents a rational discussion of the issues) As an outline, there are several issues going on in healthcare at once. Affordable Care Act (ACA) the computerization of healthcare. the new payment structures going into place ICD-10 implementation in October, 2014. There are a number of other issues, all of which goes to prove that the regulatory agencies and the insurance companies have very little idea of what it take to actually deliver care to a patient. Today, we went through a webinar that just finished which was a weekly update for Meaningful Use 2 and the Health Information exchange. 3 providers wasted their lunch hour watching this presentation, the info provided was not helpful, filled with Buzz Words and spent too much time telling us we needed to try to meet the requirements and very little time on how to meet the requirements. what a huge waste of time...... more as it comes along.

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