Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Business Summary of Healthcare.

A business summary of healthcare:

By forcing your Doctor to computerize, they see 30% fewer patients, Work 50% longer to see the patients they do see and pay at least $100,000 per year just to have the computer in their office.

Everytime your insurance requires a prior-authorization for a test or proceedure, it costs your Doctor's staff approximately 2 hours of labor. (Add 2 more hours to that if you do not go to the appointment and the auth has to be extended) Keep in mind also that for every dollar in the staffs payroll, about a dollar is spent in other costs (taxes, insurance, various government programs) A $15 an hour employee costs almost $30 an hour by the time the IRS and everyone else gets their cut.

Consider on top of that, increasing mal-practice premiums, increased taxes, increased costs of keeping the building open AND the fact that reimbumsement has been declining for the past 10-20 years.  In my local area, utilitities have increased 500% in the past 15 years.

Consider also that lifetime costs to BECOME a doctor amounts to around $1,000,000 in a lifetime. Money loaned to idealistic young Doctors, NP's, PA's and nurses at interest rates that would make the neighborhood loan shark proud.

Your Doctors are also required to close their practice, travel and pay large amounts of cash for somewhere between 100-250 hours a year for "Continuing Medical Education". Not to mention the fees and dues to maintain "compliance" to various professional and lisencing bodies. (Paid in the Thousands of $ every year)

One last thing, the providers in the office are the Only source of income. EVERYTHING else in the office costs money! (if it doesn't save time and make life easier, it's a drain on the practice)

So the next time your Doctors seem in a hurry or pre-occupied, they may have recieved a huge electric bill, mal-practice premium or a suponea requiring them to close the practice for a day.

Maybe there are real concerns about even KEEPING THE DOORS OPEN!

So, does this sound like a sound business investment? NO? That would be why medical corporations are, today in America, unable to obtain business loans!   The financial institutions of this country consider partnering with the future of American medicine a POOR INVESTMENT!!!!

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