Monday, May 18, 2015

Healthcare: Socialized Medicine VS Free Market? It doesn't matter!

Healthcare: Socialized Medicine VS Free Market?

(Spoiler alert!!!  IT WON'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE!!!)

I'm not actually argueing one way or the other, privats vs socialized. However, keep in mind this destruction of the system is being CAUSED BY THE GOVERNMENT and their OCD desire to micro-manage everything in sight! The computerization of healthcare started in 1983! (Full steam in 2004) It has nothing to do with Obamacare!  In 2014, only 4% of Doctors offices have met the requirements.  (instead of saying "gee, maybe there is a problem with our requirerents, the gov't is plowing ahead with 2015 requirements!)Those that have,  face the rosey outlook I outlined in my last discussion. They (the gov't) have created a system so complicated it's not possible to navigate without errors. AND in the U.S. medicare system, HUMAN ERRORS=CRIMINAL FRAUD!!! They do not recognize that their systems are CAUSING THE ERRORS.  On the flip side, the private sector has taken to sucking as many Medicare dollars from Doctors offices as possible. They are micro-managing us to death! We are spending Trillions to save Millions. 18% of the U.S. GDP is tied up in healthcare! Somewhere around 90% of the people that make a living off the healthcare dollar (Pharm, DME, Insurance, IT, Education and lisencing, ect) NEVER SEE A PATIENT!!!  This is not sustainable! They (the gov't AND the insurers) are scared to death to allow Doctors to actually make medical decisions! We need to allow healthcare providers to do what they are trained to do.....TAKE CARE OF YOU WHEN YOU ARE SICK! Not spend >50% of their working day putting information into a computer that makes it hard for them to do their job! (Computers CAUSE medical errors!!!) Physicians, NP's, PA's, RN's and everyone else are trained to deliver care! Not Code for your diseases, perform data entry, do referrals and the myriod of other items included in this process. A proper medical note now takes 10-15 minutes to write-20 Times a day! All this is done in your Doctors and Nurses "spare time".

Until the whole system and billing process simplifies and the decisions of how to care for patients are returned to the people who actually see the patients, socialized or private does not matter! We have destroyed the moral of the American healthcare worker! That is the most dangerous part. They know, no matter how good they are at taking care of YOU, ultimately, your care is decided by a 12 year old with a medical cookbook and no formal medical education. They also realize they are paid on their ability to navigate a rediculously complicated system that even the government does not understand!

The answer is not as simple as socialized medicine (newsflash! We do have socialized medicine, it's callet Medicare) or letting the free market decide! Honest! DEATH CAUSED BY INSURANCE is a COMMON cause of death.

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